1:1 EFT Tapping sessions for driven professionals who want a happy & balanced life...


Do you know deep down that you can have it all?

Do you keep looking for ways to lead a full life?

- You are very successfull in some areas of your life, but in other areas you are overwhelmed and stressed.

- You are dealing with anxiety, sadness and/or chronic health issues.

- You are are exhausted and struggling to find balance in your life while juggling work-life and everything that gets thrown your way.

- You have tried talk therapy, EMDR or Tapping on your own but nothing seemed to work.

- You are finally ready to overcome these issues once and for all so you can live at your full potential.

You know deep down that you deserve a happy & balanced life but you just don´t know how to make that happen. It is so hard to be in that situation and it can be so frustrating. Maybe you feel hopeless because nothing you have tried seemed to work.

But the good news is I know how to get you out of that vicious circle.

Oftentimes when people come to me what they find is that childhood trauma is really at the root of their challenges. You might not even be aware of it. But once we can uncover the root causes, we can start addressing the challenges once and for all.

If you want to improve your life then this is the exact right place for you. You can get to a place where you can finally be happy, fullfilled and satisfied in your career and relationships. You can improve your health, have more energy and feel a greater sense of ease in your life..

No matter how big or small your aspirations are, we will make it happen with my Tapping Success Formula.

Diving a bit deeper into the root cause of your

current struggles - Childhood Trauma

Behind 95 % of the struggles you face today lies childhood trauma and other past traumatic eventsTrauma can have such a negative impact on your adult life and if you don’t deal with it, it prevents you from having a full life.


Trauma can show up in many different ways such as overwhelm, stress and sadness, struggling with chronic health issues, being in a state of constant anxiety and/or panic or having low energy. It also affects our self-worth, self-esteem and self-confidence. Often the "damage" is caused already in our childhood, due to emotional neglect or abandonment from parents/caregivers...

If you’ve tried EFT Tapping before and it hasn’t worked, it’s because tapping on the symptoms like overwhelm, stress, and anxiety won’t give you the relief you seek. To overcome those symptoms permanently, you need to get to the root cause and address the problem from the root. This is what we do together in my Tapping Success Formula.

What is Childhood Trauma anyway?

When we are talking about childhood trauma and other traumatic events it doesn´t always have to be the big stuff such as physical and/or sexual abuse. Or punctual traumatic events such as aussault, rape and/ or car accidents. Oftentimes it´s the "smaller things" sth. like not getting the attention from your mum or dad, maybe have a narcissist as a parent that let´s you believe everything is your fault. Maybe your physical needs were met but not your emotional needs.

So as you see it´s not always just the big stuff. It most commonly is the "smaller stuff" My Definition for Trauma is: "Trauma is everything that affects you emotionally and physically". Once your trauma response sets in as a child your body holds on to those memories until today and this causes the imbalance in your nervous system today that creates mental and physical health struggles.

Hi, I´m Nicole, certified EFT practitioner, specializing in Childhood Trauma, and I guide you towards your desired life with my Tapping Success Formula.

I help people like you that are overwhelmed, stressed and anxious. They are struggling with their relationships, feeling tired and exhausted from juggling it all, having health issues, feeling stuck around their career and more. I will help you release those subconscious blockages once and for all so you can finally create the life you want.

As an EFT practitioner that specializes in Childhood Trauma I’ve worked with emotionally and physically abused adults who have experienced abandonment or neglect in their childhood or have suffered from traumatic events, and who were struggling in some areas of their life.

As your EFT practitioner I will be your guide to lead you into your subconscious and identify the root cause of you struggles, so you can finally overcome your struggles. My intuitive approach combined with my expertise of 2000+ client hours will let you achieve your goals no matter how big or small.

I have helped 150 + people just like you to regain their happiness, health, and energy by using my unique Tapping Success Formula that consists of clinical EFT Tapping, Inner Child work, and Desired Outcome Visualization. - And they are now living the life they previously only dreamed was possible.

Are you ready to do the same?



That's fair.. but, you´re here for a reason...

You may have spent a significant amount of timemoney,

and effort attempting to improve your mental and physical well-being, but have been disappointed by the lack of long-term improvements.


This is one of the reasons why my EFT Tapping sessions are unique and unlike anything you have tried before! The results are PERMANENT, allowing you to build on each small victory!

Find out was my unique 3-step approach includes:

My unique


‘Tapping Success Formula’:

  • EFT Tapping - Tapping combines the principles of ancient Chinese acupressure with modern psychology. I focus on Clinical EFT Tapping, which is an evidence-based method that’s been validated in many research studies.
  • Inner Child Healing - To achieve permanent and profound healing with EFT Tapping, it is crucial to discover if it’s your inner child or your adult self that is affected by the trauma. Sometimes, it can be a combination of both.
  • Desired Outcome Visualization - When we clear out negative emotions, it is normal to feel neutral about a particular event, but visualization is a great way to transform your perspective and remind yourself that you have the power to create any outcome you wish!

My unique 3 step approach ensures that you release the trauma you’ve experienced at the root, allowing you to overcome your struggles permanently and clear out the negative emotions, so that you can move forward, feeling empowered to create the outcome you desire.”


Practical approach

My unique approach that combines EFT Tapping, Inner Child Healing and Desired Outcome Visualtization.

Evidence based

As 200+ studies around EFT Tapping show you will achieve permanent results.


I am your guide. A trauma- informed certified EFT practitioner that helps you achive your goals.


You will get extremely fast results due to my unique Tapping Sucess Formula.


My 12-session package is tailored in a way to achieve a breakthrough and to give you the best opportunity to get the relief you are seeking. And this is what I want to achieve for my clients and nothing less. Due to my extended experience working with clients, 2000+ hours this usually happens after 12 sessions in a timeframe of 12 to 16 weeks. To do 12 sessions is a starting point and therefore I don´t offer single sessions.

From my experience to get out the most of the sessions I have seen that a certain time, energy, and even financial commitment is necessary to commit to the sessions fully.

Therefore I have created my own process around the amount and continuity of sessions.

The 12-session package is the package I know that we can create a Breakthrough. 

However, if you want to work on a punctual trauma or you already have done extensive work on yourself you can enquire about my 6-session package.

The amount of sessions that you need to achieve lasting change depends on the amount of events that are there to clear out. So basically the more "trauma" which are the Events that impacted you, the more sessions you will need.

Tapping Oasis Package -


6 Online EFT Tapping sessions of 75 minutes 

- all Sessions are via Zoom

- it´s recommended to do 1 session per week

- flexible time-schedule

The recommended time frame to do the sessions is 6-8 weeks. However, the package is valid for 3 months which gives you flexibility.

If you would like to explore

working together your
first step is to
set up a

free discovery session with me

Tapping Oasis Package -Breakthrough

12 Online EFT Tapping sessions of 75 minutes 

- all Sessions are via Zoom

- it´s recommended to do 1 session per week

- flexible time-schedule

The recommended time frame to do the sessions is 12-16 weeks. However, the package is valid for 6 months which gives you flexibility.

If you would like to explore

working together your
first step is to
set up a

free discovery session with me

Ready to create your best life?

Are you ready to explore

working together?

Your first step would be to set up a free discovery session with me.

Please note that my availability is limited as I only take on a certain amount of clients at any given moment.

So don´t miss out and get on my calendar now....

Book a free 20 minute Discovery Session with me today!


1. Does EFT Tapping really work?

Yes, it does! Some issues can be solved in as fast as 10 minutes. However to create permanent results you will have to look for the root cause which oftentimes leads back to childhood events and other past traumatic events. As of today, there are over 250 clinical studies out there on the effectiveness of EFT Tapping.

2. How do I know EFT Tapping sessions are right for me?

This is exactly why I offer my free 20-minute discovery session! It’s an excellent way for us to be introduced to each other and go through what is holding you back right now. It’s also a great way to ask me any questions or concerns that you have about EFT Tapping.

3. I have tried EFT Tapping, but I did not get the results that I wanted… Can you still help me?

That's why my EFT Tapping sessions are different! You will make extremely fast progress through my unique method of combining EFT tapping with Inner Child Healing. The combination of my ‘Tapping Success Formula’ has provided rapid, long-term results for my clients, even those that have had no success with EFT Tapping in the past!

4. Do I have to sign up for anything on the discovery session? Is it really free?

My discovery sessions are 100% free and come with no obligation! If, after our chat, you decide that EFT Tapping sessions aren’t for you, then you won't have lost anything from the session. If anything, you may have gained knowledge on which parts of yourself that you need to focus on.

5. What should I expect in an EFT session?

We will access your subconscious mind in a super easy way and bring up the past events that are holding you back right now. One event after the other we will clear out by using my Tapping Success Formula that includes EFT Tapping on the adult version of you and/ or your Inner Child. In any given moment I make sure you will not get re-traumatized and this is possible thanks to EFT Tappings gently techniques.

Once we have cleared our the event we can change your outlook of what is possible with my Outcome Visualization technique.

6. Why do I need to do 12 sessions and how often will I need to be seen?

The events that are at the root cause are most likely to be connected and due to my experience you will need a minimum of 12 sessions to clear out those early childhood events those are oftentimes connected to our parents/caregivers. Especially at the beginning when we start to work together it is important that the sessions are close together and this is why 1 session per week is commended in a time frame of 12-16 weeks.

7. Do you take insurance?

Unfortunately no Insurance covers EFT practitioners. They only cover mental health professionals that use some Tapping in their practice.

However I had clients in the past that could claim the cost with their insurance. So I recommend you to check with your insurance if they do cover EFT Tapping and if they do I can issue your a specific invoice.

8. Where do the EFT Tapping sessions take place?
All my sessions are online via Zoom.
Online EFT Tapping sessions are as effective as in person sessions.

My time schedule is adapted to all US time zones and all other time zones too.

Do you have any more questions?


I am forever thankful to have had the opportunity to work with Nicole, an incredible EFT practitioner.


"We have worked on various aspects of trauma and emotions that I have held onto since childhood and teenage years. Working with Nicole has helped me to release the emotions that kept me stuck in beliefs that have not served me for years.
She is gentle and has a great sense of humor. She is also very intuitive and I was amazed at how she was able to bring in powerful statements during our EFT Tapping sessions that really connected to what I was experiencing and helped me release a lot of stuck energy, and rewrite my story moving forward."


Juana released her anxiety of stepping into a new career.

-Juana K. (Barcelona, ES)

Herta was able to clear out deeply rooted unhappiness & anger.

-Herta B. (Dublin, IE)

Arpie could break free from anxiety and insomnia.

-Arpie A. (Melbourne,AUS)

Before finding Nicole I was suffering with a lot of flashbacks and distressing feelings due to past trauma in my life.

"I felt disempowered and helpless in trying to process all the emotional pain. So I decided I would go for an EFT Tapping therapist to support me. I couldn’t have wished for a kinder, more present and professional EFT Tapping therapist than Nicole. She quickly and clearly guided me, over 12 EFT Tapping sessions, through the process of releasing all the painful emotions. I felt truly liberated and free to be my authentic self; an important part was letting my inner child know I love her and promising never to abandon her again. Nicole helped me to become integrated and grounded strongly in my being. I highly recommend Nicole to anyone who feels ready for deep transformation."

~ Ursula

Matea managed to let go of the fear & anxiety of giving birth.

-Matea K. (Munich, DE)

Ben eliminated stress, trauma & physical pain from his life.

-Ben L. (Delaware, US)

Alexa turned around limiting beliefs around her self-confidence & self-worth.

-Alexa M. (New York, US)