EFT Tapping for Back Pain: Get to Know the Best Meditation

Back pain is an unwelcome companion for many, creeping into our lives and turning simple tasks into monumental challenges. Consider Emma, a vibrant young professional who thrived on her active lifestyle. Suddenly, she found herself unable to join friends for a weekend hike due to debilitating back pain. Frustrated and seeking relief, she reached out to me as an EFT practitioner, and together we explored the transformative power of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).

In our sessions, we uncovered a link between Emma’s back pain and unresolved childhood trauma. As we dove deeper, it became clear that the emotional weight she carried was manifesting as physical discomfort. In this article, we’ll explore how EFT Tapping for back pain can radically change your experience with discomfort, including the often-overlooked connections to past trauma. You’ll hear Emma’s inspiring story and discover steps you can take to reclaim your life. Let’s explore how this simple yet profound technique can free you from the chains of back pain.

My Journey as an EFT Practitioner

As a Certified EFT practitioner, I’ve witnessed firsthand how this technique can change lives. EFT Tapping, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, merges acupressure with cognitive therapy, aiming to release emotional blockages that often manifest as physical pain.

Real Stories: How EFT Tapping Changed Lives

Emma’s Transformation

When Emma first reached out to me, she was skeptical about EFT Tapping. How could a simple tapping technique help with the severe pain radiating through her back? Yet, after a few sessions, she was amazed by the results. During our first session, she rated her pain as an 8 out of 10.

As we worked together, I guided her through the tapping process, allowing her to articulate feelings of frustration and helplessness tied to her pain. Through this process, we began to uncover a deeper layer: memories of childhood trauma that she had long buried. Events that she thought were in the past were resurfacing, revealing a connection between her emotional state and her physical pain.

By the end of our session, Emma was astonished to report that her pain had dropped to a 3. “I couldn’t believe it!” she exclaimed. “I felt lighter, almost like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I was finally able to get out and enjoy a walk without hesitation!”

EFT Tapping not only relieved Emma's physical discomfort but also helped her confront the emotional stressors tied to her past. As we tapped, she found the courage to revisit those childhood experiences, allowing her to release long-held fears and insecurities. “Tapping gave me the opportunity to express my struggles,” she reflected. “Now I feel like I’m truly living again.”

Steven’s Journey

Steven's experience was equally impactful. He had been suffering from chronic back pain for years, exacerbated by long hours at his desk job. After trying traditional methods like medication and physical therapy without success, he discovered EFT Tapping during a wellness workshop and decided to give it a chance.

Initially doubtful, Steven came into our first session with an open mind. “I felt like I had nothing to lose,” he shared. During our first tapping session, he began to realize how much stress from his work environment contributed to his pain. However, as we continued, he unearthed memories from his childhood that had shaped his current struggles. The pressure to succeed and the fear of failure that stemmed from his upbringing were weighing heavily on him, contributing to his physical pain.

“I remember tapping and feeling the tension in my shoulders ease. After just a few sessions, I could sit at my desk without discomfort for the first time in years,” Steven said with a smile. “Now, I feel empowered to manage my pain instead of it managing me.”

The Connection Between Back Pain and Childhood Trauma

Many people are unaware of the intricate connections between physical pain and emotional trauma, especially childhood experiences. Traumatic events can create emotional scars that may not manifest until years later, often as physical ailments like back pain.

Understanding Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma can take many forms, from the overt—such as physical or emotional abuse—to the more subtle, such as parental neglect or a family environment filled with stress. These experiences can profoundly impact our emotional and physical health, leading to long-lasting repercussions. The trauma doesn't simply vanish; instead, it can become lodged in our bodies, often surfacing as chronic pain.

How Trauma Impacts the Body

When we experience trauma, our bodies hold onto that energy, often resulting in muscle tension and chronic pain. The back, in particular, is a common area where stress manifests. This is because it supports our entire structure, both physically and metaphorically.

  • Emotional Stress: Feelings of fear, anxiety, or sadness can cause tension in the back muscles, leading to discomfort and pain. Individuals who have experienced trauma may carry an instinctual defense mechanism, resulting in a tense and rigid posture that further exacerbates back pain.
  • Unprocessed Emotions: Unresolved emotional issues from childhood can create physical symptoms. Many people develop coping mechanisms, such as stoicism or emotional detachment, that prevent them from addressing the pain they feel. For many, addressing these emotions through techniques like EFT Tapping can lead to significant improvements in physical pain.
  • Psychosomatic Responses: The mind and body are intricately connected. Physical symptoms often arise from emotional triggers. For example, a stressful work situation may trigger feelings of inadequacy rooted in childhood experiences, leading to back pain. By addressing the emotional root through EFT Tapping, we can alleviate the physical manifestations.

The Cycle of Pain and Trauma

The relationship between back pain and childhood trauma can create a vicious cycle. Chronic pain can lead to frustration and depression, further entrenching emotional pain. Many individuals, like Emma and Steven, find themselves trapped in a cycle of physical discomfort and emotional distress.

  • Frustration: As pain persists, it becomes frustrating, leading individuals to feel powerless over their bodies. This sense of helplessness can compound feelings of worthlessness, often rooted in childhood experiences.
  • Avoidance: Chronic pain often leads people to avoid activities they once enjoyed, isolating themselves and compounding emotional struggles. This withdrawal can lead to loneliness, further exacerbating mental health issues.
  • Physical Tension: As emotional stress builds, the body often responds with increased muscle tension. This tension can trigger more pain, leading to a cycle of pain and trauma that is difficult to break.

The Science Behind EFT Tapping for Back Pain

EFT Tapping isn’t just a collection of personal anecdotes; it is supported by a growing body of evidence showing its effectiveness. Research indicates that tapping can significantly reduce pain and emotional distress, making it an ideal tool for individuals seeking relief from back pain.

Here’s how it works on a physiological level:

  • Stress Reduction: When stressed, our bodies enter a fight-or-flight mode, which can manifest as muscle tension. EFT Tapping helps calm the nervous system, promoting relaxation and pain relief. Studies show that tapping can lower cortisol levels, reducing stress and its associated physical manifestations.
  • Mind-Body Connection: EFT Tapping encourages individuals to connect deeply with their feelings, enhancing self-awareness and understanding of their pain. By exploring the emotional triggers associated with their discomfort, clients can gain valuable insights into their experiences.
  • Emotional Release: Many people find that their pain is linked to unresolved emotional issues. Tapping assists in releasing these blocks, leading to both emotional and physical healing. For individuals like Emma and Steven, this emotional release can lead to remarkable transformations.

The Benefits of EFT Tapping for Back Pain

  • Holistic Approach: EFT Tapping addresses not just the symptoms but also the emotional roots of pain, allowing for a comprehensive transformation. By uncovering the connections between childhood trauma and physical discomfort, individuals can start to make progress on multiple levels.
  • Convenience: You can practice EFT Tapping anywhere—at home, or even at work—making it a highly accessible tool for pain management. The ability to self-tap allows individuals to take control of their healing journey.
  • Empowerment: EFT Tapping empowers individuals to take control of their transformation journey. As Emma shared, “It’s like having a tool in my back pocket to address pain whenever it arises.” This sense of empowerment is critical for those who have felt powerless in the face of their pain.
  • Minimal Side Effects: Unlike medications, which can have adverse effects, EFT Tapping is safe and non-invasive. This makes it an ideal choice for individuals seeking relief without the complications of traditional treatments.
  • Supports Traditional Treatments: EFT Tapping can enhance the effectiveness of other therapies, promoting faster recovery.

Effective EFT Tapping Meditations for Back Pain

Incorporating meditation into your EFT practice can amplify its effects. Here are a few effective meditations that can help you integrate tapping into your daily routine:

1. Guided Visualization Meditation

Emma found guided visualization to be one of the most powerful tools in her journey. Here’s how to practice it:

  • Find a Quiet Space: Sit or lie down comfortably in a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed.
  • Close Your Eyes: Take deep, calming breaths. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
  • Visualize Your Pain: Picture the area of your back that hurts. Imagine it as a color or shape.
  • Tap While Visualizing: Tap on the meridian points while focusing on this visualization. Say phrases like, “I release this pain,” and “I allow healing energy to flow through me.”
  • Feel the Release: With each tap, visualize the pain dissolving, replaced by warmth and light.

2. Affirmation Meditation

Affirmations can be incredibly powerful in shifting your mindset. Here’s how to create your affirmation meditation:

  • Choose Affirmations: Select affirmations that resonate with you, such as “I am in control of my body” or “I release all tension from my back.”
  • Find a Quiet Space: Sit or lie down comfortably and close your eyes.
  • Breathe Deeply: Take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
  • Repeat Your Affirmations: As you tap, repeat your chosen affirmations out loud or silently. Allow the words to sink into your consciousness.
  • Visualize Relief: As you tap, imagine each affirmation bringing you closer to relief and freedom from pain.


EFT Tapping has the potential to be a transformative tool for anyone struggling with back pain, especially when childhood trauma plays a role in their experience. Emma and Steven’s stories serve as powerful reminders of the connection between our emotional and physical selves. By tapping into our emotions and addressing the root causes of our pain, we can break free from the cycles of discomfort and reclaim our lives.

If you’re seeking relief from back pain and are curious about EFT Tapping, I encourage you to explore this transformative practice. As an EFT practitioner, I can guide you through the process, helping you address both the emotional and physical aspects of your discomfort. If you're looking for additional support, don't hesitate to find an EFT practitioner who can work with you on your journey toward greater well-being.

Don’t let back pain hold you back any longer. Start your journey toward healing today and experience the profound benefits of EFT Tapping for yourself.

Ready to create your best life?

If you´d like to explore how EFT Tapping can help you overcome your challenges, then set up a free 20-minute Discovery session with me: